a. the raw material: copy and artwork paper (OCR scanning) mag-optical media via e-mail online sources line art, graphs, charts photography and halftones conventional artwork digital artwork FPO (desktop ) scanning high-end scanning |
e. preparation of image carriers color space: CMYK vs. RGB analog prep (mechanicals; film) digital prep (RIPs, imagesetters) conventional platemaking computer-to-plate computer-to-press telecommunicating page files preflighting PostScript and PDF workflows |
b. the raw material: ad copy display ads (full/partial) classifieds/listings inserts (free-standing, ROP) supplied film and proofs conforming to SWOP digital ads |
f. final proof and OK to print why check proofs blueprints for position author's alterations photomechanical color proofing digital color proofing "soft" proofing the contract proof |
c. text editing and typesetting desktop typography "revolution" editors as typesetters edit in w/p vs. edit in layout |
g. the production press run processes: offset and gravure web and sheetfed printing printing variables paper, ink, and plates press checks heatset printing over- and under-runs waste and spoilage |
d. issue makeup determining issue size thumbnails ("roadmaps") imposition (ad placement) digital "pasteup" (QuarkXPress) image editing (Photoshop) proofreading responsibility |
h. binding, mailing, and shipping what happens in the bindery perfect (glued) binding mechanical (wire) binding selective binding multi-edition magazines "personalized" magazines computerized addressing postal entry other distribution |